[Steppes] Driving to Canton question

Regan Caimbeul regan.caimbeul at gmail.com
Wed May 16 14:06:46 PDT 2007

If you take the GBT into Garland, follow Firewheel to Centerville Road (turn
Rt) and take Centerville all the way to 635.   If I remember right when we
were living with my friends in that part of Garland, it takes about 15-20
minutes to get to 635 that way.. plus you deal with all the traffic and

Or looking at the map.. you can take Firewheel into Rowlett (Where it turns
into Rowlett Rd).  Rowlett Rd dumps onto Broadway, which intersects with 30
one exit from 635.  Not sure of how long that route takes.


On 5/16/07, Chiara Francesca <chiara.francesca at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, so if we take GBT to that point what road do we take to get to 635?
> How
> long a drive is it to 635?
> Chiara

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