[Steppes] Populace on the 14th of September at 7:30

shark shark75080 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Sep 9 08:17:42 PDT 2007


As I posted before, populace this month is a week earlier than usual and is at my house in Richardson on September 14th at 7:30.

There will be a bardic circle - outside I hope - so please be ready to tell a story, sing a song, recite a poem, whatever!!! Also, if you have a wonderful Ansteorran song you could teach the rest of us, bring it along so we can learn. 

Just a word of warning, in case you have allergies: I have 2 cats and one dog. They won't be running around, but I wanted to let you all know that. 

Also, my house is not what I would call kid friendly - lots of glass and things like that. It's also kind of small so bring a chair if you want, especially if you want to sit outside for the bardic. I am going to have a few folding chairs to supplement what's already here. OK... now nobody will come :p

I will have some munchies and some drinks, but please bring anything you'd like to add to that. 


I live around Arapaho and Central (75) in Richardson. Address: 441 Lowell Ln. 

If you are south of there, take your best route to Central (75) and head north. Take the Arapaho exit and go left or west. Turn right on Custer, then right on Lowell. My house is 441, third on the right. 

If you are north of Arapaho and Central, take your best route to Central (75) and head south. Take the Campbell exit and turn right or West. Turn left on Custer, then left on Lowell. My house will still be 441, third on the right.

You can cut and paste the following HUGE URL into your browser for a map:


Please call me if you get lost or need better directions. I am famous for giving really terrible directions.....972-768-2757

Best Regards,
Susanna Nightegale of Caldwell 

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