[Steppes] Elfsea Defender Pot Luck Breakfast

Julie Cunningham juliecunningham65 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 18 06:24:35 PDT 2007

Good day to you, Ansteorra!
  In honor of the new Baron and Baroness of Elfsea, the Steppes will be hosting a potluck breakfast at Elfsea Defender on the morning of Saturday, September 22nd.  So bring fruit, sweet rolls, sausage, bacon, haggis or your favorite breakfast item and come join us. Bring a chair and a small table if you are able. Let us all sit together, relax and enjoy each other’s company before the Investiture.
  All Bards in attendance are most welcome and encouraged to come by and sing or tell a story. 
  Please RSVP to me at juliecunningham65 at yahoo.com if you would like to attend.  Let me know what you are bringing so everyone is not bringing the same thing.  
  HE Katheryn Cunningghame
  Baroness of the Steppes 

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