[Steppes] moving business meeting discussion

Judie Willey littledragon0861 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 06:02:34 PDT 2008

At the risk of offending someone by putting in my 2 shekels...

Moving business meeting to another night is a good idea...but to a different
weeknight won't solve many of the issues.

As most of the officers know, My Lord had to step out of office due to
business obligations and being unable to make it to business meetings.

The suggestion was made to move the meetings to a different Friday from when
Populace is, but unfortunatley, I see this as the worst possible nigth, no
ofense meant, but it is the beginning of the weekend, traffic is at it's
worst on Fridays,plus you have school starting, which means football games
for many of us, not to mention that most people go to restaurants on
Fridays, and most places are not going to want to give up the room for a
meeting. Then for me there is the personal issue of missing synagogue. I
already have to miss services on Friday if I wish to go to Populace, or miss
Populace to go to services.

May I suggest that Business be held on a Sunday, late afternoon or early
evening, say around 5 pm? This would allow more people to attend ( or
should) as fighter practice is over by that time usually...and even us
working stiffs will be home early enough to not mess with our work schedules
the next day. Also those who do end up bringing children when need be could
still have them home and in bed at a decent hour before school the next day.

Yours in Service

Rebbe Hadassah Sarai bas Yossi

Dragon's Laire Ceramics
"dragon's breath to fire our kilns"

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