[Steppes] Business Meeting Discussion

Regan Caimbeul regan.caimbeul at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 08:20:40 PDT 2008

Hi all,

Just a few pence worth here.  I hope this doesn't come off as flippant,
condescending, or hurt anyone's feelings.  This is primarily focused on the
Officers of the Barony.

First, I'll get my Me comment out of the way at the beginning.  Personally,
I don't care if we move the day-as long as it's not Thursdays or Sundays
because I am committed to my soccer team-as their captain.  However, I'll
make other arrangements to be at Business Meeting once a month, or get my
deputy to be there (more to come later on that subject), or I'll get my
reports in ahead of time so they can be read into the minutes.  My opinion,
I would love for the location to be moved.  That is the only change that I
am passionate about, because I am sick of the food-but I can always pick up
something on the way to the meeting.  Gotta love drive thru or brown bagged
lunches. :)

But yes, if you are an officer, you made a committment to the Barony and you
should be at the Business meeting.  If you can't make it, make arrangements
to get your report to Her Excellency or Dietrich.  Heck, include me (The
Chronicler) on it too, and I can put your report in the minutes ahead of

Also, if you are an officer and can't make it, send your deputy.  If you
don't have one-find one.  Your deputy is supposed to serve in your place if
you can't make it some where.  If your deputy wants to learn the
responsibilities of the office, business meeting is one of them.  Switch off
meetings.  For example, next month I'll go to business meeting and maybe
I'll have my deputy, Elec, go the following month and take notes.
Here's an idea for the practices.  Why don't the marshals and their
warranted deputies switch off on attending the meetings and holding
practices.  (Doesn't the Archery Marshal and his Deputy switch off on who
watches over the weekly practices?)  It's my understanding that what is
needed for an official practice to be held is a warranted Marshal and an
officer to be in attendance.  The warranted deputy can serve in both
capacities just as the baronial marshal does.  Or, say that "Sam"
and "Stephan" show up to a practice and the baronial marshal and thier
deputy are not there, but "Sam" is a warranted marshal and "Stephan" is the
Central Region MOC, official practice can still be had.

I would love to have more people involved in the business end of things.
Personally, I don't think that business meeting should conflict with
anything, so those who want to be there: the officers, the potential
autocrats, feast stewards, deputies, or people interested in what's going on
can be there.  Just like the new fighters giving fresh blood at practices,
we need fresh blood and new ideas in other areas too.  I also do agree with
Don Duncan's comment last night that "too many choices on the calendar is a
good thing."  It shows that we are a lively and very active group.  People
need to make choices as to what is important to them.  Looking at the
monthly calendar, there is nothing on the baronial calendar on Mondays, some
Wednesdays are free, and most Thursday nights are open.  There are options.

Thanks for hearing me out.

If everything happened when and how we wanted, then nothing would be worth
waiting for...

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