[Steppes] Business Meeting Discussion

Sir Morgan Buchanan morganbuchanan at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 6 08:34:12 PDT 2008

I just wanted to make one comment on the notion of having a deputy cover a 
practice...  it's a great idea in theory, but it is pretty inconvenient due 
to the amount of loaner gear the heavy marshal has in his posession.  I 
don't know how much the rapier folks have or how much the archery folks 
have, or what arrangements they've made.  But to use heavy as an example, 
Geoffrey would attend Sunday practice, then need to arrange to get the 
loaner gear to someone for the Tuesday practice and get it back before 
Sunday.  Could be doable, could be onerous.   I'm not saying its impossible 
or even hard, but it's more difficult than simply having someone show up to 

But having a deputy cover the business meeting is of course still doable, in 
terms of the officers.

Are there weekly activites going on in the Barony on Monday, Wednesday or 
Thursday nights?  Just curious.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Regan Caimbeul" <regan.caimbeul at gmail.com>

> Also, if you are an officer and can't make it, send your deputy.  If you
> don't have one-find one.  Your deputy is supposed to serve in your place 
> if
> you can't make it some where.  If your deputy wants to learn the
> responsibilities of the office, business meeting is one of them.  Switch 
> off
> meetings.  For example, next month I'll go to business meeting and maybe
> I'll have my deputy, Elec, go the following month and take notes.
> Here's an idea for the practices.  Why don't the marshals and their
> warranted deputies switch off on attending the meetings and holding
> practices.  (Doesn't the Archery Marshal and his Deputy switch off on who
> watches over the weekly practices?)  It's my understanding that what is
> needed for an official practice to be held is a warranted Marshal and an
> officer to be in attendance.  The warranted deputy can serve in both
> capacities just as the baronial marshal does.  Or, say that "Sam"
> and "Stephan" show up to a practice and the baronial marshal and thier
> deputy are not there, but "Sam" is a warranted marshal and "Stephan" is 
> the
> Central Region MOC, official practice can still be had. 

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