[Steppes] Moving Business Meeting

Esther reese_esther at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 6 10:26:00 PDT 2008

My consensus on the things we should consider when making the decision....

1) It needs to be convenient for the officers who need to be there.

2) If possible, it needs to be convenient to most of the members of the populace.

3) It would be really keen if it could be combined with something that makes for a more meta-Steppes experience, like combining with the Sunday fighter practice.

4) Moving the meeting from a restaurant environment -- this may be my take, and not what others meant.

The ideas I like best so far....

1) Setting the date from month to month, to accommodate the best fit of the officers schedule, with the SCA schedule. Perhaps setting meetings 60 days ahead, rather than 30 would work best? We usually know what we're doing by then.

2) Combining it with fighter practice, when possible. With a flex date, we could do that, even if not all the time. I like the idea of being able to get together as a Barony, and if fighters don't usually show up at Business Meetings, well, going to them occasionally might not be such a bad idea.

This is not dissing fighters, or artisans, or anyone else who focuses primarily on something other than the Admin. It takes a lot of time, discipline, and money to commit to being an artisan or a fighter, and I fault no one for putting their resources where their passion is. But, if we could bring the meeting to them, we might open it up to some valuable input the Barony might otherwise not get.

3) Moving the meeting from a restaurant venue. I understand that it makes it convenient for those coming straight from work, but if you don't like, or can't eat the food, it can also be somewhat... awkward. What is the feasibility of having it at someone's home, like we do populace?

4) Pet Peeve.... Keep Business for Business Meeting, and pull the meeting out of populace? I don't get to go to Populace very often, and when I have gotten to go.... I've been at a business meeting. I'd like to see a more clear demarcation between the two, and forego business at Populace, unless it is a legitimate emergency where a quorum of something or other is needed.



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