[Steppes] Bardic Revel Reminder

shark shark75080 at sbcglobal.net
Sat Feb 9 13:27:43 PST 2008

Don't forget the bardic revel at my house on Saturday evening 2/16 at 7 pm.

441 Lowell Ln., Richardson, Texas 75080

>From central expressway (75)  take the Arapaho exit and go West on Arapaho about a block or so. Turn Right on Custer, and Right on Lowell Ln.

The house is third on the right.

Call 972-768-2757 if you need help finding us.

Feel free to bring munchies and drinks. I will also have some stuff to eat and drink.

If you need more information, email me off list.

If gas is an issue - if you can get to the Arapaho DART station, I can come pick you up!

Susanna Nightegale

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