[Steppes] Is SCA membership declining overall?

Liz elizabet.peters at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 8 20:09:25 PST 2008

The following is my own personal opinion and sure to upset someone when that is not my intent.  Therefore, I apologize in advance if your feelings are upset or hurt as that is not my intention.
  Is SCA membership declining overall?
  I don't know.  I am sure that Baron Edwin's insight on this matter is far better than mine.
  When I first became "involved" (This means going to fighter practice at Flagpole Hill.  Anyone remember that?), my friends and I were welcomed warmly there.  The same could not be true elsewhere, though, I'm afraid.  The first event we attended was a Steppes Artisan and, newbies that we were, no one had advised us that we were supposed to attend in garb!  The kindly denizens of Lindenwood took us under their wing and "splained" a few things to us about SCA etiquette -- like wearing garb to events!  (Giggle!)
   . . . hobbling over to the soapbox and slowly climbing on . . .
  It seems to me that in recent years, the emphasis seems to be more on "stuff" than on enjoying what the SCA can offer and do so well.  The "stuff" I refer to is "the SCA career," the consuming pursuit of awards, various types of recognition, etc.  This "stuff" is guaranteed to suck the fun out of anything we do.  A career (noun ) is defined as:  an occupation or profession, esp. one requiring special training, followed as one's lifework, i.e., He sought a career as a lawyer: or as a a person's progress or general course of action through life or through a phase of life, as in some profession or undertaking: His career as a soldier ended with the armistice.  Generally speaking a career also means that one receives monetary compensation for one's efforts.  A hobby (noun) is defined as an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation, i.e., Her hobbies include stamp-collecting and woodcarving.  Therefore, if one can believe the
 Unabridged Dictionary, the SCA would be defined as a hobby.  When we confuse the SCA with a true career, we demean both the SCA and true careers.  In other words, don't take it that seriously.  When you volunteer to do something for the SCA, do it and do it with a smile on your face.  Enjoy the volunteering, the camaraderie and being with new and old friends.  Any awards you seek will come more quickly if you just relax and enjoy the ride.
  I realize that the above statement does not take into account what can be the ugly, ugly state of "SCA politics."  Since we are all quite familiar with that dead elephant in the dining room, all I will say is that you can let the ugliness eat you or you can enjoy yourself.  It's your choice to make.
  Now, as a hobby, the SCA has been extremely satisfying on a number of levels.  I have, with great joy, met an endless variety of interesting, witty and intelligent people, many of whom I am proud to call friend.  I have had the opportunity to learn (not master) a number of skills and acquire a lot of information that I would not otherwise have had access to.  Also, being part of the SCA has allowed my love of books to really flower.  The classes offered in the various venues have been a real "draw" for me as I have been exposed to many arts that would have been inaccessible otherwise.  And even though I am unable to be as active now as I have been in the past, I continue to pursue those arts as well as furthering my knowledge. All these are things the SCA does superlatively well (redundant, I know).  For the SCA to have continued viability, we need to focus on what we do well and tailor those things to attract the people who will enjoy and appreciate what we have to
  I wish that I could attend more events, volunteer more, attend more local meetings, etc.  However, with my life as it currently is, my participation is of a necessity limited.  I hope to attend Coronation this coming weekend but will probably not know if that will be possible until I arise on Saturday.  If I cannot attend, I hope all that do enjoy themselves.
  . . . getting down off the soapbox with even more difficulty than I got on with, I remain
  Ldy. Fionnghuala the Fair (Nuala) and/or Liz and/or my evil twin, Cedric or my current alter ego, Squint the Ugly
  “If you talk to God, you are praying; if God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.” ~ Thomas Szasz ~

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