[Steppes] Good Luck and Safe Travel to GW and Good wishes for the Demo

Eric Dickey dietrich.von.greyssen at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 05:42:25 PST 2008

Greetings and Good Morning to All this fine snowy day!

I wanted to say to all of those who are leaving very soon to attend Gulf
Wars and participate, God Speed and Safe Travel!
Arrive safe and come back home safe.  But have a blast while you are there!

I look forward to hearing of everyone's great and glorious deeds when
everyone is back.

Now, for those who are not going and do not have mundane plans this weekend,
please join those at All Con and support the Demo going on there.  The more
people we can have representing all of the activities that go on in our fair
society, the better, for the more we show, the more people's interest might
be piqued.

Again, good luck to all involved at both places.  I will be thinking of all
of you as I watch my oldest daughter compete in her third national
championship cheerleading competition this weekend in Ft. Worth.

I remain humbly your servant,

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