[Steppes] What would you be doing today in persona

willowjonbardc at juno.com willowjonbardc at juno.com
Sun Mar 23 14:17:54 PDT 2008

Happy Easter
What would your persona be doing today?

I would tell you my persona would wake up hungry.  As a good Scottish girl of the backwoods who raised cattle and had a priest from Ireland we didn't pay much attention to Lent but since I have come France we have had to pay a lot attention to it. I am hosting the Papal legate over the Cather situation so we have had to be especially dutiful about lent. No "barnacle" goose. What I find hardest is the no dairy. I love butter. 

I have been working with the staff and I plan to make this a wonderful Easter feast. My cook has come up with a wonderful joke. Traditionally the first course is a red herring which after forty days of fish most people don't eat. My cook has made a subtlety. It looks like fish but is really venison with a wonderful sauce. I think my guests will be surprised. 

I have been housing a goodly number of Pope Innocent's fighters this Lent and HL Roger Redhand has bought  many of the foreign Hospitaliters to our area. Luckily the the fishing was good but we were unable to send much to Paris. 

I gave the Knights and Ladies their new clothes yesterday and they passed down clothes so everyone including the pig boys are all in clean new , for them, clothes. I was worried about the washing because we had winter for long time this year and the sun just would not come out. 

With the "Truce Of God" ending I am sure fighting will start again tomorrow. The Chapel on the edge of my vineyards is finish and the monk should be working in the field. They are my human fence between the fighters Pope Innocent has recruited for his Cather crusade and my vineyards. I pray to God that this will work.

Well dear friend please write me and tell me what your persona is doing on this great day when as my Herald put it "Christ has been enhanced."

Duchess Willow de Wisp

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