Wilkerson, Glen D glen.d.wilkerson at lmco.com
Sat Mar 15 11:04:15 PDT 2008

Final notice.  Remember this is a "jeans and t-shirt" party, or whatever
else you don't mind getting barbecue sauce on, not a garbed event.  And
don't forget, if you want a beer or other adult beverage, you can bring
your own cooler.




With so many off to that little-bitty, small, insignificant altercation
in the swamps of Mississippi, it's time for the rest of us to gather
once again for the...


Homeguard Barbecue!


The day will be Saturday, March 15, and the time will be 6:00 PM, and as
usual we will be gathering at Hubert Green's North Main Barbecue.


Take your favorite route to Airport Freeway, a little west of 360, and
then go north on Main Street in Euless.  The restaurant is a couple of
blocks up on the right, across from and just past the Brahms - the
actual address is 406 North Main St.


The all-you-can-eat buffet is $12, sandwich (one meat) plates are $6,
they have ice tea, water, and soft drinks - but if you prefer something
in an adult beverage you can bring your own cooler.


Come eat, drink, swap war stories, and have fun.







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