[Steppes] Steppes Populace Next Friday December 18th

Julie Cunningham katheryn.cunningghame at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 08:47:58 PST 2009

Seasons Greetings to you all!

It is that festive time of the year!

The party will take place on Friday December 18th at 7:00 pm.  I will be
hosting it along with Master Robin and Mistress Serena at their home at 7135
Vinland, Dallas, Texas 75227.  Here is the link for a map to their place

Make sure your car faces the proper direction when you park. Please call me
at 214-862-4977 or Serena at 214-388-8156 if you need further directions.

I will be bringing a Turkey so if guys can bring some side dishes that would
be great! Lady Christianna will be coordinating who brings what side dish
(she will be posting soon).

So bring a potluck item or beverages, along with your white elephant gift if
you wish to participate in the traditional gift exchange. For those with
allergies, please note that they have a cat, and will have a live tree,
indoors. Come in garb, or come in casual festive attire or just come as you
are.  We would just love to see you there!

Baroness of the Steppes

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