[Steppes] Populace Potluck for the 18th

Liz Wilson ewilson618 at tx.rr.com
Thu Dec 10 17:00:00 PST 2009

As Baroness Kathryn indicated, I will be coordinating the potluck feast at Populace on
the 18th!  She is bringing a turkey and I thought I would make some of my homemade cranberry
relish.  If you are interested in bringing a side dish, please email me off list so that
we can have a wide variety of  side dishes, deserts, salads, breads, etc. available. 
It can be "old world" or "new world" food and does not have to be in period!  I will
put out the "reminder list"  when we get closer to the event next week.

It should be a great time and a great meal for all!



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