[Steppes] ISO - Charity Organization... Books

Viviana Rowntree tinygypsylady at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 07:53:57 PDT 2009

Good Day to all in our Fair Baronies and Kindgom,

I had the fortune ability to sit in a meeting with a newly developing NP
that focuses on teaching children to read!  It was started by a teacher who
saw the need to excite children (and parents) about reading and books.

I know many of us are not able to help monetarily with the current times.
But I know so many of us are book collectors of various sorts.  My Very Own
Book (http://www.myveryownbook.org/BookStore.html).

Here is the general conecpt:

Children are given points for the time they read.  Based on the time/points,
they are allowed to pick a brand new book for their very own.  Many times,
this is the FIRST time a child gets to own a book.  The child picks books to
read from the library or borrows them from other sources.

While this group, My Very Own Book, is in need of new books for pre-k to 6th
grade, they are also in need of books for adults.  Basically, they let the
parents check out books for their own use.

So, I am trying to help this group as reading is a passion of mine I would
love to see developed in more children.  Here are ways you can help out:

1.  Donate new children's books (pre-k to 6th grade) - wish list on our
website if they don’t have books but want to buy some for us.  It is through
a 2.  Buy a new book via Amazon, as they donate to us when people buy
through the link on our website.
3.  Donate gently used adult books

If you can participate, please feel free to contact me directly or contact
the group and tell them AnneMarie Krupa, AXA Advisors, let you know about
the group.

(please feel to crosspost)



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