[Steppes] Archers' Challenge Prize Tournament & Pot Luck Revel is just hours away!

jack spinks jlspinks at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 8 19:19:45 PDT 2009

And a most wonderful shoot it was.  11 archers competed in gentle breezes for a winner take all prize basket with many wondrous and unusual prizes contributed by the archers.  Our lovely Baronness and her Seneschal also came out along with Lady Lete Lethespring, Don Alaric, Lord Mikael, and possibly others I missed.  Although we completed only 9 of the 11 devious challenges laid out by HL Ironwyrm before the day waned, a great deal of fun was had along with many tales told.  Even one newcomer - milord Killian- competed and acquitted himself quite well with much enthusiasm.  We hope to see him again.
Competitors were adjudged not only by the points they scored on the field but by how well they portrayed their personae (foot gear was the downfall of many) and not only whether they were able to accomplish a boast of their ability but the difficulty of accomplishing said boast.  The boast and personae play affected the final standings of more than one individual in the tourney.  
At last all was added, said, and done and HL Ironwyrm was declared the winner.  Since he was one of the organizers, even though the clear winner, he felt he could not accept such a prize.  Therefore, he displayed great honor and humility by selecting one token item from the prize basket and passing it to the second place winner who could do no less than to do the same and pass it to the next place winner in line.  This continued until all had selected an item from the prize basket and passed it on with many smiles amongst all competitors as all became winners in a most diffiucult and challenging shoot of 4 hours or more.
VIVAT HL Ironwyrm!!  For a job well done!
HL Jaque the Spink

--- On Sun, 3/8/09, William Black Dragon <ironwyrm at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

From: William Black Dragon <ironwyrm at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: Re: [Steppes] Archers' Challenge Prize Tournament & Pot Luck Revel is just hours away!
To: steppes at lists.ansteorra.org, central at lists.ansteorra.org
Cc: draconianhorde at yahoogroups.com, steppesbowyerandfletchersguild at yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, March 8, 2009, 8:27 AM

It would appear as if the rains have held off so unless our Steppes 
archery marshal cancels this mornings archery practice, I'd say 
we're good to go for the tournament!
We hope to see you there!

--- On Sat, 3/7/09, William Black Dragon <hlironwyrm at sbcglobal.net>

From: William Black Dragon <hlironwyrm at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: [Steppes] Archers' Challenge Prize Tournament & Pot Luck Revel
is just hours away!
To: steppes at lists.ansteorra.org
Date: Saturday, March 7, 2009, 10:26 PM

Just hours left to go now until the start of our Archers' 
Challenge Prize Tournament & Pot luck Revel! 

The contest shall begin directly following the regular 
Steppes archery practice on the Eastfield archery range 
next to the tennis courts at 3737 Motley Drive just a 
few blocks north of the 30/80 overpass in Mesquite.

Steppes archery practice begins at 11AM, come shoot 
for a Royal Round score during the Steppes practice 
and stay for our unofficial Prize Tournament & Pot 
Luck Revel.  Bring some picnic goodies to share with 
others for the pot luck and enjoy watching the 
tournament!  Or bring a donation for the prize basket 
and enter the tournament yourself, who knows maybe 
the winds shall favor you tomorrow and the prize 
basket will be yours!?!

Period costume and open Royal Round legal equipment 
(no modern style wheel bows or crossbows please) are 
required of those whom wish to enter the tournament 
and period costume is requested of those attending 
as spectators as well.  After all we are trying to 
raise interest in our Society and attract newcomers 
so you're assistance will be greatly appreciated.  
Also banner display, bards & heralds are highly 
encouraged to help add to the day's theme!

Tournament points shall be awarded for a competitors' 
skill at marksmanship, persona play and boasting! Yes 
you heard right boasting, just how good are you at 
declaring what you can do and following through with 
that claim?  Well, we shall see tomorrow won't we(some 
great bard's tale material could happen here)!

This is a privately sponsored unofficial activity brought 
to you by participating members of your local Arc d' Or 
and the Draconian Horde just for the fun of it!

So keep your fingers crossed the rains hold off until 
tomorrow evening and check this list for the update 
between 8:30 - 9AM Sunday morning.  In the event we 
should happen to get rained out we will plan to hold 
the tournament the following week, but let's not go 
there right now(think no rain)! 

We hope to see you there!


HL William Black Dragon called "ironwyrm"

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