[Steppes] Steppes exchequer position open

Karen Calhoun kmcalhou at garlandisd.net
Fri Jul 9 13:46:21 PDT 2010

It is my duty to inform you that I will be stepping down as exchequer before the end of the year.  As of business meeting, July 5, the position is open for bids.  It will remain open until the end of Aug/start of Sept.
This position places you in the center of Steppes' activities.  You get to work with officers, Their Excellencies, guild leaders, and autocrats.  It is a position that requires great communication skills, organization and attention to details.  The Exchequers at the regional and kingdom level are fantastic to work with.  They are very helpful and quick to answer questions.
Kingdom requires that exchequers take the exchequer class, parts 1 and 2, and the gate class.  I believe there is also a financial committee class.  As this office is part of that committee, it is a good idea to take that class too.  Many of these classes will be offered at Round Table on July 17.  If you are interested in this position, I encourage you to attend.
Please know that I have agreed to stay on as ER Deputy to the new exchequer.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  
treasurer at steppes.ansteorra.org
In Service,
HLy Katya
Steppes Exchequer

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