[Steppes] Steppes exchequer position open

Alasdair MacEogan alasdair at bmhanson.net
Fri Jul 9 14:01:53 PDT 2010

From: Karen Calhoun <kmcalhou at garlandisd.net> wrote:
>  The Exchequers at the regional and kingdom level are fantastic to work with.  
>  They are very helpful and quick to answer questions.

Well kingdom is...

>  Kingdom requires that exchequers take the exchequer class, parts 1 and 2, and 
>  the gate class.  I believe there is also a financial committee class.  

no financial committee class.  The Financial Committee is required to take the Exchequer's policy class (part one)

If interested i would recommend trying to attend one or both of the classes at Round table on 7/17.  It is being hosted by Loch Ruadh so is relatively local.

Additionally please remember that your bid goes to the Central Regional officer with copies going to Katya, Susanne and Their Excellencies.


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