[Steppes] Business Meeting Reminder August 2nd

Seneschal of the Steppes seneschal at steppes.ansteorra.org
Tue Jul 27 19:46:45 PDT 2010


Monday, August 2nd is business meeting. We are holding it at Midway Point
the same place we have been holding it in recent months.

We have the following offices up for application right now:

   - Archery Marshal - This office has been open for a while. Please
   consider applying for this. You can get on the job training and you don't
   have to be a marshal when you first start.
   - Hospitaler - This office is open and closes on 8/30.
   - Exchequer - This office is open and applications close on 8/30 as well.
   - Seneschal - This office is open and closes at the end of October
   - Chronicler - This office is open and closes on 10/4

The last four offices in this list are required for Baronies and I would
like you to consider serving. If there is another office you are interested
in, please consider being a deputy. All of our offices could use deputies.
If you want to apply, visit the following site and fill out the application
and include a scan of your membership card so we can confirm your
membership: http://www.ansteorra.org/publications/forms/
the very first link is the application for office form. Please fill this
out, scan it with your card and send it to me, the Baron and Baroness, the
current office holder, and the regional officer.  For example if you want to
be exchequer, send your application and proof of membership to me, Baron
Duncan and Baroness Genevieve, HL Katya, and HL Alasdair.

We have events coming up. Steppes Artisan is happening on September 11th and
will be at UTA (Rio Grande room). Lady Symonne is our autocrat and will be
needing volunteers for set up/tear down, and gate. Even though Artisan is a
fairly straightforward event to run, a lot of help is needed at the
beginning to get everyone through gate and get the room set up. Many times
the artists need a lot of help setting up and it's a great service to the
A&S community to support this event. We cannot run it without your help.

Also we are planning Twelfth Night. It will be on January 8th. We are still
nailing down a site and should have more information coming out as time goes
on. Our theme is an Anglo-Saxon mead hall. I will be announcing a some new
classes for the group, brewing and some service classes.

The restaurant is at 12801 Midway Rd, #503, Dallas, TX  75244

To get there, take 635 and take the Midway Rd exit and go south on Midway.
The restaurant is just south of 635 on the west side of the

Hope to see you at business meeting. You don't have to be an officer to
attend. We really need your help for our upcoming events.

In Service,
Susanna Nightegale - Steppes Seneschal

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