[Steppes] Fighter Practice and Armoring tonight 7pm.

Genie Barrett maggegene at gmail.com
Thu Jul 29 07:03:00 PDT 2010

Hey all,
I'm sorry this is such short notice.

We are meeting tonight for armoring at 7 tonight (Thursday) and then fighter
practice at 8.

Sir Ikar, will be there, and plans to come to most Thursday fighter

We had 3 people in armor last week, and 8 people total. We hope to get the
rest into armor soon, and tonight will get several people a lot closer.
There will be cordless drills, rivets, hammers, and probably even an anvil.

So, 7pm tonight at the Ben Gill Park, Terrell

Take 80 to 9th street in Terrell.  Turn north (there is only one way to
Left onto Lion's Club Road.

We are in the trees across from the Basketball Courts.

See you there,

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