[Steppes] Drake's & Lochlan's Unofficial!! - Never Happened!! - I Dont Know You!! - Why Are You Following Me?!! Meet and Beat

Randy Shipp randyshipp at gmail.com
Thu Jul 29 14:52:32 PDT 2010

I may swing by with some questions about armor standards and strapping
my newly received armor.  Will that cramp anyone's style?


On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 4:14 PM, Brandon McDermott
<brandonsmcd at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Greetings!!!
> His
> Grace Drake and I have spoken with a few of the other brave, foolhardy,
> and/or down right stoopud fighters in the area and we have decided to
> host a very unofficial meet and beat at the same location as the
> regularly scheduled Sun. practice (the new park). There will be fighting,
> fighting, more fighting, and if rumors run true Popsicles!!! I look
> forward to seeing everyone at the Drake's & Lochlan's Unofficial!! - Never Happened!! - I
> Dont Know You!! - Why Are You Following Me?!! Meet and Beat. Remember,
> it will be warm so bring water coolers (there is free ice and water
> nearby), ice chests, drinks, and the like. Safety first for those of us
> silly enough to be there getting ready for Gothic's heat.
> Gramercy,
> Sir Lochlan - "Are you daft man its hot!!" - Dunn
> &
> HG Sir Quintas - " Your darn toot'n " - Draconis
> PS
> This is unofficial so there will be no loaner gear, but come anyways and we'll do footwork drills....
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