[Steppes] Slightly OT: Movie Extras in Garb Needed this Saturday

Regan Caimbeul regan.caimbeul at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 13:41:04 PDT 2010

Please pardon the bandwidth,

My Lord Husband Faelan has asked that I put out a this missive for help
with a project he's working on called "Rock & Roll and Fairy Tales."
They need extras for a shoot that's taking place this Saturday from 2-8pm at
the Adriadic Village in McKinney.   They're looking for people in garb
(preferrably Elizabethan/Renaissance-ish).

It is non-paid, but food will be provided.

If interested, please contact Faelan directly for more details.  His cell #
is 940-391-4370 and email is christianbfisher at gmail.com.


If everything happened when and how we wanted, then nothing would be worth
waiting for...

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