[Steppes] Extras needed for film shoot in McKinney on Saturday.

Faelan Caimbeul faelancaimbeul at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 17:18:30 PDT 2010

Allo everyone,

I'm working on a project (not my project, someone else's) that's 
shooting this weekend and we need about two dozen extras for background 
on a period villiage scene we're shooting on Saturday. It'll be outside, 
and it's during the plague, so don't wear your best garb, and probably 
the older the better. You'll be in the sun, so I'd recommend NOT wearing 
heavy Elizabethan. Fighters with nice armor encouraged to attend as 
well. Feel free to bring any accouterments like weapons, bags, etc. 
We'll need everyone Saturday from 3:00 p.m. to about 8: p.m. There's no 
pay, but you will be fed and get screen credit.

Please call me if you're available (214-257-8174), and email me at 
christianbfisher at gmail.com.



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