[Steppes] Card Weaving

Crandall crandalltwo-scalists at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 25 12:28:19 PDT 2010

Maybe someone can offer the class in speed warping again. 
It is a great way to save time and perfect for beginning tablet weavers. 

Crandall, Olde Phart 

--- On Fri, 6/25/10, Dana Busenbark <danab-steppes at earthlink.net> wrote:

> From: Dana Busenbark <danab-steppes at earthlink.net>
> Subject: [Steppes] Card Weaving
> To: "Barony of Steppes - SCA Inc." <steppes at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Date: Friday, June 25, 2010, 12:59 PM
> Okay. I got cards, I have a book on
> Card Weaving, which gives me directions on actually doing
> it, but it doesn't help me in setting up the loom. Is there
> anyone that has some time that I can ask some questions
> about it? I know how to set up an inkle loom without cards,
> using hettles, but don't know what to do to set up a loom
> with cards.
> Fiona the Needleworker
> a.k.a. Fionnbharr le Nedlere
> m.k.a. Dana Busenbark
> Barony of the Steppes
> Kingdom of Ansteorra

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