[Steppes] Denison Cookout Tomorrow

Brain Dead braindeadd77 at yahoo.com
Sat May 22 08:25:36 PDT 2010

Ok, I hope some of you can make up to Denison this Sunday at 1:00pm for the cookout. There will be hamburgers and hotdogs served and some drinks will be 
available, so bring your own if you want something other than Coke. I 
will be holding an informal Youth Chivalric Combat practice (boffer). I 
have some extra helms and swords if needed. The park is big enough that 
anyone interested can fight, so come on up and have a good time. Please 
let me know if you plan on coming.

Directions by Google Maps-  http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Dallas+Tx&daddr=Waterloo+Park,+Denison,+Texas+75020,+United+States,+75020+(Waterloo+Park)&hl=en&geocode=%3BCX7IPSGJyUF5FQzbAgIdy4E--iF-bqcnWgWHtA&mra=ls&sll=33.741471,-96.566648&sspn=0.027978,0.066047&ie=UTF8&z=9  .


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