[Steppes] Residence Poll

Alasdair MacEogan alasdair at bmhanson.net
Mon Feb 21 11:05:29 PST 2011

Richard Culver <rbculver at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>  More seriously though, although its own entity, what are the numbers from
>  Glaslyn as well since it is a canton of Steppes as that might skewed the
>  population center if we, as I personally hope, would like to see more
>  involvement barony wide, including the canton(s).

I would be interested in seeing the numbers for the Cantons as well.  I am mixed though in looking at them to set the "center" of the Barony.  While the canton is always welcome at all Steppes events and I would encourage interaction, traditionally that has been one of the reasons Cantons get formed.  A group away from the center of activities starts holding their own and it progresses as they desire more independence.  Often the goal is to break away and form a Shire, etc independent from the parent group.  I would be concerned if the activity center shifted too far north, we would start to loses and/or alienate the members further to the south.  It is hard enough for many of them as it is without moving further.  

In my opinion it may make more sense to look at a combination of where people live AND geographical spread to determine more where things are held.  While it may be attractive to start hosting events 5-10 minutes away from where the majority my reside, if that makes it an hour plus from the outliers, is that truly a good thing?

Just food for thought.

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