[Steppes] Residence Poll

Elaine eshc at earthlink.net
Mon Feb 21 14:25:22 PST 2011

Maybe the kids don't always have to celebrate at Grandma's (the  
"activity center")? Could "Grandma" (the event) kinda go on a lesser  
"progress" sometimes? My decrepit horse eats too much to travel a  
lot, and the oats from the East are getting even more expensive. The  
troubadours say the price of a sack may double in the next two years.

A traveling "Grandma" would be a marvel. It is known that even kings  
leave the castle once in a while, and there doesn't have to be a  
plague for an excuse to do it.....
; - )
HL Lete

PS. As a scribe, one of my favorite sayings is:
"Progress" only earns its name when what you have is better than what  
you had.
(I use that standard to judge everything from cookies to foreign rulers.
I also like the one about its only taking a little effort to turn  
"bread and water" into "toast and tea."---L)


On Feb 21, 2011, at 1:05 PM, Alasdair MacEogan wrote:
>   I would be concerned if the activity center shifted too far  
> north, we would start to loses and/or alienate the members further  
> to the south.  It is hard enough for many of them as it is without  
> moving further.
> In my opinion it may make more sense to look at a combination of  
> where people live AND geographical spread to determine more where  
> things are held.  While it may be attractive to start hosting  
> events 5-10 minutes away from where the majority my reside, if that  
> makes it an hour plus from the outliers, is that truly a good thing?
> Just food for thought.
> Alasdair

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