[Steppes] Warlorad - Gate Help Needed

Viviana Rowntree tinygypsylady at gmail.com
Thu May 19 06:21:20 PDT 2011

Good Day to all those in our lovely Kingdom,

Warlord is fast approaching and thus are in need of help to work gate for
the event.  Here is the schedule:

Friday 5p-midnight (outside hall)
Saturday 6a-6p (inside hall)
Sunday 6a-1p (inside hall)

For those of you who do not know, Saturday and Sunday gate shifts will be
INSIDE!  Yes, that is right, inside the hall with air conditioning.  And I
plan on providing various things to nibble on and drink for those dear souls
who are willing to share their time with me.

We would appreciate a two hour shift.  If you can help, please send me an
email with the day and time slot you prefer.

I thank each and every one of you in advance.

Yours in Service to the Dream,

Lady Viviana

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