[Steppes] Metal armor assistance

Randy Shipp randyshipp at gmail.com
Wed May 18 20:54:20 PDT 2011


It's become clear that the arm harness I recently bought as part of my "good
enough" armor purchase, well, isn't good enough.  It was billed as a
"low-profile" set of arms, which equates to really, REALLY tiny elbow cops
with no real protection for the inside of the elbow, nor any articulation or
other protection to cover the joint well, especially when flexed.  After
padding, they'll cover comically little.  So, I suppose the first thing is
trying to get a pair of decent elbow cops, preferably somewhat suitable for
a 14th century rig, but I'm starting not to want to argue over authenticity
when I can't even get the safety part covered.

Second, is there anyone in the Barony who wouldn't mind opening up your shop
to a newcomer to show me the ropes enough that I can cut, shape,
punch/drill, deburr, and maybe roll the edge on 2-4 mild steel plates (16g?)
to serve as kidney protection and closure for my breastplate?  I don't think
this would involve any dishing, just perhaps a pass through a bending brake
or a little mild shaping with a mallet.  I just don't have any tools or
materials and I'm on a very tight budget.

Thanks in advance.


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