[Steppes] Archery

Katharine Kavanaugh katharinekavanaugh at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 11 15:22:40 PST 2011

Merry meet my friends, tis Lady Katharine again. It looks as if we do have a temporary site, and I will be talking with our host and hostess to set a time and date. Just remember this will be a temporary site until we are able to locate a more permanent home. It is going to be in the farest point of our Barony, Midlothian, but at least we can do some practicing until we are able to get a better place. I would like to start sometime in late January or maybe in Feburary, so that we have time to fix up the equipment and start up good and proper. 

I would like to get a date set up to fix up the equipment. This will entail fletching and retiping arrows, and restringing bows. If anyone would be kind enough to offer their home for us to fix up the equipment that would be awesome. We could have a potluck, and this would give us a way of meeting and getting to know each other. I look forward to meeting everyone in the Barony and getting the Archery up once again and making us proud and strong.
If anyone would like to contact me off list then please do. Please email me at Katharinekavanaugh at yahoo.com
Lady Katharine

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