[Steppes] Pre-registration for Steppes Artisan contestants closes on 24 July 2012

Emma Haldan emma.haldan at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 17 20:46:08 PDT 2012

The 25th Anniversary of Steppes Artisan will be held on Saturday, 28 July 2012.

All Artisans of Ansteorra are invited to enter this Body of Work competition, to claim the honor of being named the Argent Artisan! 

Everyone is welcome at this event.

Come and be inspired by the artisans and their displays!

Buy something from the bake sale! (All funds to go toward Gulf War Stump Removal).

Enter the brownie baking competition!

Enter the drawing to become a judge for the brownie baking competition! (More Stump Removal Boodle!)

Bring something delicious for the potluck picnic!

Bring your armor and your weapons, and have a gonzaga fighting day in the shaded park right next to the air conditioned building (where we will be having a bake sale, did I mention the bake sale?)!

There's a boffer Youth Combat practice being organized, and also a nifty playground, so bring the whole family! (Buy them something from the bake sale!)

A Bardic Master Class is being offered in the morning. Seriously, could you ask for more from an event? (Well, yes, but the answer is no, the site is DRY.)***

Please join us on Facebook for the latest (unofficial) scoop: https://www.facebook.com/groups/241551009264284/

For the official scoop, and details on how to pre-register, the potluck, the brownie baking competition, etc. please see the website: http://steppes.ansteorra.org/artisan

Looking very much forward to seeing you all there! 

HL Emma Haldan, Steward, Steppes Artisan 2012
emma.haldan at yahoo.com

*** Brewers who are entered in the competition are the only exception to this rule. Samples may be presented to judges ONLY, not the general populace. Thank you for your cooperation. 

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