[Steppes] "Stingy Jack" Jack-o-Lantern Shoot!! Nov 1, 2015:

John Bishop via Steppes steppes at lists.ansteorra.org
Tue Oct 20 08:00:51 PDT 2015

 He's back!!  
With the thinning of veil between worlds during this coming Halloween our olde nemeses "Stingy Jack" returns bringing his glowing faced jack-o-lantern minions with him spreading mischief & chaos through the world!  The passing of Halloween's eve shall not return them to the netherworld from where they came for the glow that gives them power must be snuffed out!!   
Come join us as we resurrect our seasonal pumpkin archery shoot this year!  It has been a while since mundane life's obligations have allowed us to partake within our fall archery shoot so we are delighted to get to hold it once again.  Bring your best pumpkin sweets or desserts to share and something for the prize basket if you wish to compete within our Jack-o-lantern shoot at dusk (using your best arrows & bolts are not recommended).  Daytime activities include pumpkin carving, a combat archery piñata shoot, mini-crossbow contest, best costume contest and potluck dinner.  Our jack-lantern shoot begins as the darkness overtakes us, the shooter whom snuffs out the most of "Stingy Jack's" glowing minions during the allotted time wins the prize basket!  Not an archer, well just come to socialize and join in on our other fun activities as we close the Halloween weekend for 2015!!   
The non-SCA event takes place at the home of our hosts John and Mary Shaw (that's Alvin and Donnel to our SCA'ers), 1361 Vista Ridge Drive, Midlothian TX 76065 starting at 2 PM Sunday Nov. 1, 2015 and ending at 10 PM.  Its BYOB, were are sorry to say we did not have time to brew our pumpkin ale this year so you will just have to pick up store bought should you care for pumpkin ale.  Bring something for the potluck, a pumpkin treat for dessert and a donation for our prize basket if you plan to shoot.  
Of course we cannot stress enough to bring missiles that are not of great value to use for the jack-o-lantern shoot as they are likely to be consumed by the candle target you are attempting to snuff out.  
We hope you shall chose to join us for House Arkham's fun little event to close this year's Halloween activities!! 
"Ironwyrm"  mka John Bishop 

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