[Tempio] Re: Tempio Digest, Vol 3, Issue 4

holland.cooley at us.army.mil holland.cooley at us.army.mil
Fri Aug 8 10:21:00 PDT 2003

Sorry we couldn't make it, work kept me late. Hopefully it went off well and everyone had a good time.

Alasdair and Liadain
> Hokay, gentlefolk, here's the plan (such as it is...):
> Thursday the 7th of August
> 804 N. 7th Street, Temple
> 	(that's 7th and Houston, in the "Historical" district;
>        	we're the dark red house.)
> 	(254) 791-3346
> The Food Theme this time is "Simple (and Period!) Event Food";
> including Scotch Eggs, Fruit & Meat Pasties, Period Salad (with a 
> yummydressing!) and Persian Mint Drink.
> Anyone who wants to bring something else (especially if it's fit 
> for a
> period encampment!), please feel free!
> (BTW...I am in *desperate* need of dried currants (a cup or two), 
> and fresh
> mint. Can anyone help me out?)
> Library is open, Sewing room is open, Kitchen is open, (and if 
> you're insane
> enough) Front- and back-yards are open. And, of course, the Living 
> room and
> Computer room, for talking/singing/carousing/etc.
> Things start at ...ohh.... 5:30-6PM, and go until 10-11 (at which 
> point, we
> turn into grouchy pumpkins with sharp, pointy teeth...)
> Garb is optional (but clothing is not!)
> Hope to see everyone there!
> Alden

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