[Tempio] The use of Tempio mailing list....

Paul Kaveshan pkaveshan at hot.rr.com
Sun Dec 21 15:44:03 PST 2003


I will apologize to you here in public for what is mistaken as an attack.

You just happened to be the first one to send this type of email.  It is a
situation that wasn't brought up not to do on the list.  Please do not take
the response as getting "blasted"  But, if you think I overstepped my bounds
as a list administrator, then please email me in private.

pkaveshan at hot.rr.com



-----Original Message-----
From: tempio-bounces at ansteorra.org
[mailto:tempio-bounces at ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of Lady Liadain ingen
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 10:43 AM
To: Shire of Tempio
Subject: Re: [Tempio] The use of Tempio mailing list....

Sorry I started this whole thing...honestly I didn't
really think about it until I had hit "send." I was
thinking more of sharing the interesting facts with
people than anything else. I don't usually do that. I
was tired and had been responding to the Tempio list
often. I just did it more out of habit and not
thinking. Mea Culpa. It won't happen again. Though it
would have been nice to have been asked what was up
BEFORE being blasted to everyone on the list. I guess
good manners are lacking on more than just my part.
Again, my apologies for offending...wasn't intentional
or even conscious...then again, conscious isn't a
state I wander around in much these days anyhow.


"Love is not love that alters when it alterations finds,
or bends with the remover to remove"

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