[Tempio] My part of the event...

Tressa tressa at vvm.com
Wed Aug 25 14:37:44 PDT 2004

Okay,  prepare yourselves:

  I'm only going to say one or two things on this subject on this list and 
then if you want to hear the rest of what I have to say then the Officer's 
Meeting is held at my house on the First Sunday of the month.
First,  I haven't been asked about the Tavern which I proposed running.  I 
have been talked around, but not to.  If you would like to know the details 
and reasoning I will be happy to speak to anyone about it, at the officers 
meeting.  Second, please don't assume anything about my intentions for the 
Shire,  I think I have proven myself loyal to the people of Tempio for as 
long as I have been here.
Third,  I have had generous nice people in the Shire offer to help and I 
have asked people to help me as well,  if  it's hasn't been done publicly 
so everyone could hear, I apologize.  I usually am not the mouthing off 
kind of person.
Fourth, I'm not a politically minded kind of person,  I am what I am and I 
don't try to be anything I'm not.  I wanted to do something to get into a 
realm of experience I've never been in before.  And again, I was not taken 
seriously or listened to.  And the kind of backbiting and whispering and 
gossiping going on, without finding out the truth is really making me 
tired.  Guess what,  that's how you lose members of your Shire.
Okay, maybe I've said too much or maybe I've said too little.

My opinion, take it as you would like, there it is....


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