ANST-Announce - Formation of Ansteorran Guild of European Dancers

Russell russmax at
Wed Jun 2 10:05:56 PDT 1999

ATTENTION: Ansteorrans interested in period European court dance.

   For the past few months, many dancers from all over Ansteorra have
been hashing out the Charter for a Kingdom dance guild. We have finished
that Charter, and submit it to the Crown and Populace of Ansteorra for
your review.

   Please share a copy of the Charter with your dance groups and with
dancers in neighboring groups. Those who want to be Charter Members of
the Ansteorran Guild of European dancers should send the following
information to me, Lord Guillaume de Troyes, the initial acting Guild Proctor.

SCA Name
Mundane Name
E-mail Address (if applic.)
Street Address
Phone Number
SCA Group affiliation
Any other info you want to include.

   We will have a calligraphied copy of the Charter at King's College in
Mooneschadowe and at Twentieth Year/Coronation in Steppes. Those
interested in physically signing the charter may do so at those times. A
copy of the Charter will be submitted to the Crown at King's College, so
they may look it over before ATYC, where they will hopefully sign it into

Charter for the
Ansteorran Guild of European Dancers
A Kingdom-wide dance guild of Ansteorra

The primary purpose of the Guild is to promote the learning, teaching,
and performance of Medieval, Renaissance, and SCA (original and commonly
performed) dances. The purpose of the guild shall be achieved by: 
* facilitating communication between existing dance guilds; 
* assisting any local group in forming a dance guild; 
* maintaining a roster of dance teachers throughout the Kingdom; 
* producing and updating a Kingdom dance manual; 
* providing and updating a discography; 
* producing dance tapes and/or compact discs; 
* encouraging research in Medieval, Renaissance and SCA dances; and 
* recognizing excellence in dance teaching.
* recognizing excellence in dance performance.

Any person in the SCA who is interested in Medieval, Renaissance, and
SCA dance may become a member of the Guild. A Guild Member is a person
who is interested in dances from the SCA period and the current Middle
Ages. The Guild Member is expected to know or learn basic dance
etiquette, basic dance steps, and a few basic dances known generally
throughout Ansteorra. One becomes a Guild Member by sending his/her SCA
and mundane name and address to the Guild Proctor, expressing interest.
The Guild Member will be informed of the Guild's activities and projects.

Guild Proctor:
The Proctor is responsible for overseeing the activities of the Guild
and ensuring that the Purpose of the Guild is pursued. The Proctor will
be elected by the members of the Guild.

The Guild will establish and maintain a set of bylaws by which the Guild
shall be governed. Bylaws to the Charter may be added or changed by a
2/3 majority of assembled Guild members, including those who send
absentee votes by letter. Proposed bylaws will be announced at least two
months in advance of the vote, which will be done at a Kingdom calendar event.

Submitted to Their Royal Majesties ______________________________________________________

this ________ day of _________, A. S. ________, by the Charter Members
of Ansteorran Guild of 

European Dancers:

<signatures of the charter guild members go here>
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