WR - Fw: (Fwd) Cookies

H.L. Agnarr Thorvaldsson agnarr at apex2000.net
Fri Nov 5 19:46:41 PST 1999

I know that this in not really SCA related but with the trouble this
individual has had I just had to forward it to the western region.
-----Original Message-----
From: Linda Staple <LStaple at powr.net>
To: H.L. Agnarr Thorvaldsson <agnarr at apex2000.net>
Date: Friday, November 05, 1999 06:22 PM
Subject: Fw: (Fwd) Cookies

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sam mahnner <mahnner at hotmail.com>
>To: tlcpace80 at aol.com <tlcpace80 at aol.com>; rvele at apex2000.net
><rvele at apex2000.net>; bishojo75 at hotmail.com <bishojo75 at hotmail.com>;
>Creece923 at cs.com <Creece923 at cs.com>; Ibartist2 at aol.com <Ibartist2 at aol.com>;
>debswrld2 at yahoo.com <debswrld2 at yahoo.com>; schwanke6 at hotmail.com
><schwanke6 at hotmail.com>; LStaple at powr.net <LStaple at powr.net>;
>eeyore27 at graffiti.net <eeyore27 at graffiti.net>; malibusue at cbpu.com
><malibusue at cbpu.com>
>Date: Friday, November 05, 1999 4:12 PM
>Subject: Fwd: (Fwd) Cookies
>>>From: Harris at texramp.net
>>>To: baileyj at gvtc.com, legomaniac50 at hotmail.com, MNations at webtv.net,
>>>jimlori at telepath.com, KStelpflug at aol.com, KKC1115 at aol.com,
>>>LM1JS at aol.com, Oakholla at gateway.net, DarKar at gateway.net,
>>>sadlerjg at aol.com, AKEASTER at aol.com, mtherapist at webtv.net
>>>CC: pjthiel at juno.com, DPerkins at nwol.net, bettynolan at hotmail.com,
>>>Tgm1blr at aol.com, Mahnner at hotmail.com, vbidlack at tfxauto.com,
>>>SJWnTCM at aol.com, SWEETPEAMO at aol.com, BDowns at sydcom.net,
>>>EstTXGAL at aol.com, nurs6161 at aol.com
>>>Subject: (Fwd) Cookies
>>>Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 10:16:21 -0000
>>>  Subject:  Everyone loves cookies
>>>  My daughter & I had just finished a salad at the Neiman-Marcus
>>>  Cafe in Dallas and decided to have a small dessert.  Because both
>>>  of us are such cookie lovers, we decided to try the"Neiman-Marcus
>>>  Cookie."
>>>  (EDITORIAL COMMENT: Neiman's is a VERY EXPENSIVE depart-
>>>  ment store.)
>>>  It was so excellent that I asked if they would give me the recipe
>>>  and the waitress said with a small frown, "I'm afraid not."
>>>  "Well," I said, "would you let me buy the recipe?"  With a cute
>>>smile, she said, "Yes."  I asked how much, and she responded,
>>>  "Only two fifty, it's a great deal!"  I said with approval, "Just add
>>>  it to my tab."
>>>  Thirty days later, I received my VISA statement from Neiman-
>>>Marcus and it was $285.00.  I looked again and I remembered I
>>>had only spent $9.95 for two salads and about $20.00 for a scarf.
>>>  As I glanced at the bottom of the statement, it said, "Cookie
>>>  Recipe $250.00." That's outrageous!  I called Neiman's accounting
>>>  Dept. and told them the waitress said it was "two-fifty," which
>>>clearly does not  mean "two hundred and fifty dollars" by any
>>>POSSIBLE interpretation of the phrase.
>>>  Neiman-Marcus refused to budge. They would NOT refund my
>>>money,because according to them, "What the waitress told you
>>>is not our problem. You have already seen the recipe, we absolutely
>>>  will not refund your money at this point."
>>>  I explained to her the criminal statutes that govern fraud in Texas.
>>>  I threatened to report them to the Better Business Bureau and the
>>>state's Attorney General for engaging in fraud. I was basically told
>>>"Do what you want, we don't care, and we're not refunding your
>>>money.  I waited, thinking of how I could get even, or even try
>>>  and get any of my money back.
>>>  I  just said, "Okay, you folks got my $250, and now I'm going to
>>>have $250.00 worth of fun." I told her that I was going to see to it
>>>  that every cookie lover in the United States with an e-mail
>>>  account has a $250.00 cookie recipe from Neiman-Marcus...for free.
>>>  She said, "You wouldn't do this."
>>>  I said, "Well, you should have thought of that before you ripped
>>>  me off," and slammed down the phone on her.  So, here it is!!!
>>>Please, please, please pass it on.  I paid $250 dollars for this
>>>... I don't want Neiman-Marcus to ever get another penny off of
>>>this recipe....
>>>                     (Recipe may be Halved):
>>>                           2 cups butter
>>>                           4 cups flour
>>>                           2 tsp. Soda
>>>                           2 cups sugar
>>>                           5 cups blended oatmeal
>>>                           24 oz. chocolate chips
>>>                           2 cups brown sugar
>>>                           1 tsp. Salt
>>>                           18 oz. Hershey Bar (grated)
>>>                           4 eggs
>>>                           2 tsp. baking powder
>>>                           2 tsp. Vanilla
>>>                           3 cups chopped nuts (your choice).
>>>  Measure oatmeal and blend in a blender to a fine powder.  Cream
>>>  the butter and both sugars.  Add eggs and vanilla; mix together
>>>  with flour, oatmeal, salt, baking powder, and soda.  Add chocolate
>>>  chips, Hershey Bar and nuts.  Roll into balls and place two inches
>>>apart on a cookie sheet.  Bake for 10 minutes at 375 degrees.
>>>   Makes 112 cookies.
>>>Enjoy cooking the most expensive cookie in the world-FREE !!
>>>  T
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