WR - Information on Bonwicke's A&S College

Lord Kainin Tepésa kainin at copycraft.com
Tue Aug 15 10:56:18 PDT 2000

Salve, all my fair friends of the Western Region,

For everyone who is coming to the Bonwicke Arts and Sciences College 
on August the 19th here is all the information you need (well, most 
of it anyway):

The event will be held at Colonial Baptist Church, 2102 49th Street, 
starting at 9:30 in the morning. There is a two dollar site fee for 
anyone over 12 years of age - we ask that you pay in cash only as the 
site fee will used to cover any incidental feast needs. For any 
children under 12, the fee is a can of food (the food will then be 
donated to the South Plains Food Bank).

Feast will be the result of the Medieval Cooking Contest. We are 
asking that each household bring enough of a period dish to feed 
20-30 people.  Everyone will then receive two gold tokens at the 
door, will get to try all of the wonderful medieval creations for 
feast, and after feast will then vote via gold coin on their two 
favorite dishes. The prize is a cooking pot filled with spices, linen 
napkins and cooking utensils. For those who are traveling from far 
distances or for those who cannot bring a period dish, please bring 
cheeses, breads, fruit, vegetables, etc. to supplement the meal. The 
church is equipped with a grand little kitchen (2 refrigerators, 
stove, oven), and I have set aside an hour or so after all the 
classes for final preparations of the dishes (reheating, arranging on 
platters, slicing, whatever needs to still be done).

Here is the list of foods being prepared - to the best of my 
knowledge as of Monday the 14th:
Stew, Zanzarelli, Mushroom Tarts, Sienese Tarts, Onion Tarts, Amber 
Tarts, Chicken with Fennel, Cheese Gnocchi, Salad, Herb Frytours, 
Apple Frytours, Pandemayne, Cheesecake and Jellied Apple Candy

I have tried to double up as few of the classes as possible. I would 
like for everyone to be able to attend all of them; however, we 
simply have a few too many classes for the time constraints (not that 
too many classes is a BAD thing, quite the contrary, and my heartfelt 
gratitude to all who so graciously volunteered their time to teach). 
As a matter of fact, if you still haven't volunteered and want to 
teach a class, we will make room. At any rate, the schedule is as 
follows. Please contact me if there is any sort of conflict (times 
are subject to have been wildly rearranged by Saturday).

	  9:30 - 10:30	Authorized Marshalling - Lds Godfrey & Chiang
	10:30 - 11:00	Illumination  - Ly Oriana
	11:00 - 11:45	Persona Development - Ld Kainin
	11:45 - 12:30	Basics of Costuming - Ly Oriana

	12:30 -   1:00	Lunch Break

	  1:00 -   2:00	Period Dance - Mistress Evelyn
	  2:00 -   3:00	Period Military Dress & Armour - Ld Jasper
	  3:00 -   4:00	Bardcraft - Baron Vallust
	  4:00 -   5:00	Inkleloom Weaving - HLy Adelaide
	  5:00 -   6:00	Embroidery - HLy Augustina
			Medieval Warfare Tactics - Ld Jasper

	  6:00     		Feast Preparation
	  6:45ish     	Feast

Also for those who can stay, you are always welcome at our fighter 
practice on Sunday. Put some of the newly-learned tactics to use at 
Maxi Park at the usual Sunday site. More information will be 
forthcoming from the Western Regional Warlord.

Well, that might actually be everything. Probably not. I'm probably 
forgetting something very important. If you think of what it is, 
contact me at kainin at copycraft.com or at (806)799-6630.

Ciao til then,
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