[Western] Regional Pratice

chiang chiang at odsy.net
Sun Jul 14 17:49:19 PDT 2002

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  This is a reminder of the upcoming Regional Practice this coming weekend, July 20th. The place is Kastman Park in Lubbock. The park is just off the South Loop 289 between Indiana and Quaker Aves.
  Setup will start around 9:30 or so. Fighting will start around 11:30 or 12. We will also be holding classes for marshalling and such. The time to start getting ready for Gothic and Gulf Wars. Anything that you need to be authorized for can most likely be done at this time.
  I will be hosting a small quick tourney and then we will be doing melees. Should be lots of fun and lots of fighting.
 Yours in Service,
 HE Chiang, Centurion

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