[Western] Regional Fighter Practice

HL Kainin Tepesa kainin at copycraft.com
Tue Jul 2 15:08:09 PDT 2002

Greetings unto the Western Region,

I thought that this might be a good time to officially invite
everyone to the Summer Tournament in Bonwicke on the 20th of July.
This is a fun tournament that we have been holding every other month
or so and will also double with a Western Regional Fighter Practice.
That means that there will be a tournament for both Rapier and
Chivalric as well as melee practice in preparation for Gothic and
eventually Gulf.

The day will start at noon (if you wish to come early and help setup
you will be appreciated, but as our guests do not feel obligated).
The site is Kastman Park in Lubbock (which is just inside Loop 289
between Memphis Ave. and Indiana Ave.) if you need directions to the
site please email Honorable Lady Johnna at hospitaler at bonwicke.org
and she will be happy to help.

Along with the fighting we will have an arts and sciences display for
any mundanes that stop by (yup it is a little bit of a demo as well)
and all musicians and bards are encouraged to bring their stuff and
entertain us all, maybe we can even work up a little competition.
Then to top everything off we will be having a cookout there at the
park (hamburgers and hotdogs) for dinner. The Barony will be
providing the meat and the members of Bonwicke the other items, but
if you would like to contribute with a potluck dish (potato salad,
beans, dessert, etc.) that would be certainly appreciated (again do
not feel obligated, you are guests). You will need to bring drinks if
you want something other than lemonade but we have plenty of
disposable feast-gear for all.

We hope that everyone will come and enjoy the beautiful Summer days
that we have been having. If you have any questions feel free to
contact me (seneschal at bonwicke.org) or her Ladyship Johnna.

In service,

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