[Western] Important 12th Night Info.

HE Kainin Tepesa kainin at copycraft.com
Wed Dec 3 13:40:03 PST 2003

Greetings unto the West,

It has come to our attention that our requirements for the 
tournaments at Twelfth Night (December 13th) are too strenuous and 
many are finding them daunting. Please understand that it was never 
our intention to discourage anyone or to cause undo stress, we simply 
wished to capture some of the excitement that we have experienced at 
other tournaments we have seen around the Kingdom. The word 
"requirement" was used to emphasis the strong desire that we had to 
see everyone participate in all facets of the tournament as it is 
designed. We were afraid that "requested" would not carry the same 

However, this is Twelfth Night after all and not a time to be 
overburdened with such difficult tasks. It is a time to have fun and 
to celebrate the coming of the new year, while cherishing the 
memories of the old. To that end we are making the following changes:

* A helm crest or decorated buckler is no longer required, just requested. *

* An honour shield is no longer required, just requested.

* A herald to announce you in is no longer required, but there will 
be some there that you could contract if you wish.

* A letter of intent is still required, but it can be a simple email 
to baronandbaroness at bonwicke.org  Nothing fancy is required, but 
certainly still encouraged.

* A consort present is still required, but a consort can sponsor 
multiple fighters if they wish. There will be ladies and gentlemen in 
Bonwicke that will be happy to sponsor you if finding a consort 
proves difficult.

Now those of you who have taken these tasks to heart and have worked 
long and hard creating beautiful helm crests, decorated bucklers, 
letters of intent and have plans to be announced in full regalia are 
still highly encouraged to do so and will be given full marks and 
much word fame for your efforts.

* There will still be separate contests for the best helm crest and 
best decorated buckler with incredible prize baskets for each. You 
need not even be fighting in the lists to enter these competitions. I 
know that many in Bonwicke have worked long and hard on their helm 
crest/buckler and letters of intent and we would not wish to have 
anything take away from their sincere efforts.

We hope that this eases your minds a bit and makes your celebration 
with us, at our home, that much more enjoyable.

In service to the Dream,
Kainin and Oriana
Baron and Baroness of Bonwicke

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