[Western] Bonwicke's Twelfth Night Schedule

Cameron Cook bonwickejester at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 3 14:25:02 PST 2004

On behalf of my Lady wife, here is the schedule (tentative as it may be) of events to take place on the morrow at Twelfth Night.
8:00am-10:00am -- Setup
10:00am -- Site Opens
11:00am -- Armor Inspection Begins
11:30am -- Armor Inspection Ends/Presentation of fighters and consorts
12:00pm -- Tournaments begin
1:00pm -- A&S Competition begins
2:00pm --  Children's Activities begin
5:00pm -- All Tournaments/Competitions/Activities End
6:00pm -- Court Begins
7:00pm -- Feast
9:00 -- Site Closes
See you all there!
In Service,
Ld. William Cameron
Keeper of the Autocrat's Sanity (any bidders?)

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