[Western] Cresent Wrench

Ld Byron chance at camalott.com
Sun Jan 25 17:31:39 PST 2004

Baron Gavin has stated in my presents that he would like Cresent Wrench to be a garbed venue. He said that to talk SCA, garb would be better. So your mind would be in the correct frame of mind. So wear your stuff.         Byron

To all Good Gentles of the Western Region.  This is the tentative schedule for Crescent Wrench I.  Everyone is encouraged to attend.  Authorization classes, discussion about the Region, Regional fighter practice the next day at Commache Park there in Big Springs.  Come in garb, come in casual clothes, heck, even in your prom dress, i don't care<G>.
If there is a class that you'd like to teach, let me know.  If there is one that you would like to have, let me know.  I have a request for A&S documentation class, anyone want to volunteer to teach it?

Time  Saturday, Feb 7    9:00 Site Opens
                                    9:30 - 11  General Meeting
                                    1100  Regional and Local Officer's Meetings
                                             List Mistressing Baroness Safyie
                                             Thrown Weapons - Lord Svendrogan

                                    1200  lunch
                                    1300  Rapier Marshaling- Lord Angus
                                              Heavy Weapons - Count Sir Aaron
                                              SCA 101 Baroness Safiye
                                              Feastocrating - Count Anastasia
                                              Chirurgeon 101 - tentative

                                    1400  seneschal class. Baron Gavin
                                             Heraldry- Lord Rufus
                                             A&S forms, reports and Competitions - Lord Agnarr.

                                    1500  using the excel spread sheet - Baroness Safiye

                                    1600  treasurer's class -monthly, quarterly, EOY -                                                                Countess Anastasia
                                             Youth Marshaling - Baron Chiang
                                    1700  treasurer - gate procedures, NMS, event reports -                                                    Countess Anastasia
                                             waterbearing - Baroness Safiye

  Sunday, Feb 8   11am
     Regional Fighter Practice, Heavy and Light, Archery, Thrown Weapons
        Commache Park
        NEW FIGHTER AUTHORIZATIONS - Get yours before Gulf Wars!

       Have Beer - Will Travel.    Byron - Western Region Chronicler
(Any wrong information is directly proportional to the amount of sun light given the mushroom, or the amount of brew consumed before seating down to the magic box. The spelling is all mine - anything the box  can't correct - then is the best guess.)
(I don't need to be beaten often ---- Have mercy. I givin' it all she has!!!)


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