[Western] Mendersham's Defender

Angus Matheson ldangusm at cox.net
Mon May 17 05:30:45 PDT 2004

Most of you know me out here in the West I am Lord Angus Matheson and I have
some Word Fame to let you know of.

First off I would like to thank Bridiget Matheson my wife who with out her
support and help I would not be able to play or cook the wonderful feast
that we did as most of it was her suggested menu. Lady Ysoulde (George) we
have cooked several feasts together now and each time it just gets better
your insight and help are what make us a team in the kitchen. Catherine
(Ashley) you showed me you know your way around the kitchen and can help me
anytime. Baroness Marthe thank you for helping me cut up vegetables.

HE Anastasiya thank you for heading up the serving crew, several young
ladies helped at this and I’m not sure of all of their names Niki, Leighla,
Nike’s Guest and the others that helped you were greatly appreciated.

Thank you each and everyone that helped I apologize for anyone I have left
out or misspelled the names of.
Ld. Angus

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