[Western] New Member

rizardo dartusio rizardodartusio at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 8 16:19:41 PST 2008

And Vivat Quill.  To date you take the prize for recruiting the most newbies.  I don't know where and how you find them, but you sure can find some good ones.  The Kittles hit the ground running and now fill two of our officer slots.  We are all hospitalers as you have proved.  Keep bringing them our way.  

----- Original Message ----
From: Quill <gray.quill at gmail.com>
To: western at lists.ansteorra.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2008 5:49:30 PM
Subject: [Western] New Member

Ack! My inbox is getting sore! So... many... messages...
There have been many results from the events passed this weekend past. Much of it has been along the lines of taking a bad blow and recovering like the awesome people we are. Just thought I'd bring you all something to simply celebrate. 
I love newcomers. (Heck, I love still kind of being new myself!) I loved meeting all the almost dozen new people we had Saturday, even brought in two of them myself. And I'm inestimably proud to announce that one of them has just told me he bought his SCA membership today! *glows and crows and preens* I trust you will all welcome Darren Fionnbharr, our newest neo-noble. 

So despite leaving them out in the cold and the wind while we were having our hearts broken and spirits stirred, they still want to join our little club and come play with us! VIVAT NEWBIES!

In service to The Dream and Dreamers all, 
Cuillioc /|\ "Quill"
Titled Bard of the Barony of Bonwicke [and - still - Mendershamshire]
(SCA Evangelist and Recruiter)

Never miss a thing.  Make Yahoo your home page. 
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