[Wiesenfeuer] Baronial Financial Committee for the Member At Large positions are now open

Seneschal of Wiesenfeuer seneschal at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org
Tue Jul 23 07:40:16 PDT 2024

Greetings fair Populace,
That time has come and we are opening the two seats on the Baronial
Financial Committee for the Member At Large positions.
This is a local position, duties involved:

   - Applicants must be 18+ years old
   - You must be a paid member of the SCA
   - As a member of the Financial Committee you will be expected to attend
   the monthly Financial Committee meeting (often held online after the
   Business/Officers meeting) to assist in reviewing non-budgeted financial
   decisions for the Barony, set Baronial financial policy, and set the annual
   Baronial budget.

Applications for both seats will be accepted until August 23, 2024 at 6pm.
If you have any questions about this position, please ask.
Here is a link to apply for open officer positions.

Send the applications to:
treasurer at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org
baron at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org
baroness at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org
seneschal at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org

In Service,
Lady Lyra
Seneschal Wiesenfeuer
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