[Wiesenfeuer] Rescheduled: May 13th Populace Online Meeting

Seneschal of Wiesenfeuer seneschal at wiesenfeuer.ansteorra.org
Mon May 6 10:56:39 PDT 2024

Greetings again,

Since the weather may be bad tonight 5/6, we are rescheduling the May
Populace Meeting to* Monday, May 13, 2024 for Online.*

This is the monthly meeting of the Populace of Wiesenfeuer to discuss
upcoming activities and business.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend.
The first half hour will be socialization.
The meeting will start at 7pm.
LOCATION: Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/hyn-qcam-dfw
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 440-462-2857‬ PIN: ‪929 447 829‬#
This event is sponsored by the Society for Creative
Anachronism. More information can be found on our website here:

My thanks.

Lady Lyra
Seneschal Wiesenfeuer
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