[Ansteorra-announce] Brigade meeting for the Central Region

Estella Flather eflather at flash.net
Tue May 22 09:17:41 PDT 2001

Attention fighters of the Central Region!

The Arthurian Company, the Fray and Fian Ruadh are uniting to form a
Brigade of Central Region fighters that will practice on a regular basis
and fight together at Gulf Wars and other melee events. Monthly joint
practices will be scheduled around the region so that our units can work
together better as a team. The Brigade is ipen to units in the Central
Region or those who are willing to come the the Central Region to join in
our training. Come and join us!
	An organizational meeting will be held at Steppes Warlord, May 26th,
Saturday, at the conclusion of the Chivalric list in Elfsea's new
(gigantic) blue baronial pavillion by the list field.
	The Brigade needs a name! Come with your ideas! We will also be working on
a schedule for the upcoming months, trying to travel around the region so
that the smaller groups can be included.
	For more information contact Lord Mordock von Rugen (Dux), mka Greg
Shetler, phone 817-466-1615 email- mordockvonrugen at hotmail.com

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