[Ansteorra-announce] Youth Fighting at Pennsic

Sean P. S. Gulick sean at ig.utexas.edu
Mon Jul 15 07:16:13 PDT 2002

Greetings All,

A message from Sir Ix (Aztec knight) regarding youth fighting
opportunities at Pennsic.  See Below:

The Middle Kingdom invites all those authorized fighters under the age
of 18 to the second annual known world youth armored combat tournament
and the second rapier combat tournament. If you are under the age of 18,
but an authorized fighter and thought that you could not fight at
Pennsic, you were wrong. Bring your armor and participate in the second
annual youth armored combat tournament. Bring your rapier and enter the
youth rapier tournament. Real combat for real fighters, not just boffer
simulation. All combat rules are standard Middle Kingdom conventions of
combat. Armor will be inspected by Society minimums. Weapons must meet
Middle Kingdom standards. Kingdoms may perform youth authorization based
on their rules with the permission of the Earl Marshal of the kingdom of
residence. Both tournaments will be held Thursday afternoon, August
15th. The times will be posted at war. Practice times for both armored
and rapier will be available. Please check at the rapier tent for rapier
practice and the boffer tent for armored practice. We will try to
arrange practice times based on the youth desiring to participate.
Please contact me at knight at galesburg.net with any questions.
-- Sir Ixtilixochitl Deputy Marshal of Youth Combat -
http://www.galesburg.net/~knight/youth Middle Kingdom -
http://www.midrealm.org House Terrae Finis - http://www.terrraefinis.org
March of Lochmorrow - http://www.lochmorrow.org KSCA


'Honor the past, live the present, create the future'
Sean Sandifer Gulick, Ph.D., Research Associate
University of Texas, Jackson School of Geosciences,
Institute for Geophysics, 4412 Spicewood Springs Rd,
Building 600, Austin, Texas 78759
Phone:  (512) 471-0483, Fax:  (512) 471-0999
E-mail: sean at ig.utexas.edu

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