[Ansteorra-announce] Stargate Yule - Championships pt 1

Paul Haines wyrmclaw at ev1.net
Tue Jul 30 04:19:48 PDT 2002

Greetings unto the fair populace of Ansteorra,

I am Lord Alden Drake, autocrat for Stargate's Yule Revel, posting with word
on one of Stargate's two championship competitions and one of the event
contests.  The event date is December 14, 2002 at the Christ Memorial
Lutheran Church in Houston.  The theme for the event is Heroes and Legends
(historical, mythical, or....Ansteorran!)  More details on all that to
follow later.  The purpose of this announcement is to let you all get
started on putting your entries together as soon as possible.

The A&S Championship
The A&S championship will be body of work.  The item to be judged requires
documentation, but documentation is not required on others (it will however
count in your favor should there be a tie).  Judging will be done by a panel
of judges.  If you have any questions or concerns about the championship,
please contact Lady Isabeau Quinquandon, the current Stargate Artisan at
isabeauq at ev1.net or 713.956.0046.

Costume Contest
While not a baronial championship, the costume contest is a tradition at
Stargate Yule that offers great fun.  In keeping with the theme of the
event, we ask that people come dressed as their favorite hero, or legend,
and bring a picture of said inspiration.  The person most closely resembling
their hero/legend will be judged the victor (and no putting your face over
the body of someone else :P  ).  At a specified time, a pass and review will
be held for all those entering the contest, and the attending baronesses are
invited to partake of the judging.

More news to follow on the Bardic Championship and Table Decorating Contest.
If you have something you would like to put on the schedule for Stargate
Yule, please be sure to contact me (the autocrat).  I can be reached at this
email (wyrmclaw at ev1.net) or at 832-237-7080 (no calls after 9 please).

Their Excellencies look forward to seeing everyone at the event in December,
but before then, please come out and show your love and support at
Stargate's 30th Baronial on September 13-15.  Visit the Stargate website for
details.  Vivat Stargate!

In service,
Lord Alden Drake
Sentinel Pursuivant (Stargate Herald)
Yule Autocrat

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